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The Gates of Mercy:
Chapter on Dua and Forgiveness in Sahih Muslim

Tuesdays at 5:00 PM EST

Instructor: Shaykh Navaid Aziz 

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What will you learn?

  • Understand the significance of duʿā and forgiveness in Islam. 

  • Analyze the key themes and etiquettes of duʿā mentioned in the hadith. 

  • Apply the lessons from these prophetic duʿās to daily life, cultivating a stronger practice of seeking forgiveness and making sincere dua.


Shaykh Navaid Aziz is AlMaghrib’s Director of Public Relations and Instructor dedicated to reviving the Muslim mindset on spirituality, morality, education, and mutual respect.

Shaykh Navaid completed an Associate’s degree in Commerce and Social Sciences before heading to the illustrious Islamic University of Madinah. He went on to complete a diploma in the Arabic language as well as a Bachelor’s in Islamic Law, with a specialization in Fiqh and Usul Al-Fiqh.



This class explores select narrations from Imam Muslim’s Sahih in the chapter on Duʿā and Forgiveness, focusing on the Prophet’s (ﷺ) supplications, the etiquettes of making duʿā, and the boundless mercy of Allah. Students will reflect on how these supplications can transform their relationship with Allah, instill hope in His forgiveness, and cultivate sincerity in their prayers. 


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